Along with other gifts, Colin gave me a beautiful bouquet of roses and a card. You can see that we are celebrating Hanukkah too. This is our dining room upstairs, as is the introductory picture.
What is hiding under these bedspreads?
We gave Psalmody and Mercy a Glory Box each for Christmas. They call a Glory Box (which is the English term) a Hope Chest in America. I still love to call it a Glory Box! These chests are made of cedar and they smell delightful.
Colin cutting the turkey. We cooked lamb as well of course. I cooked the lamb in the upstairs oven and the turkey in the downstairs oven.
Kate and Pearl picking. Everyone likes to hang around when Colin cuts the turkey and lamb so they can pick!
After eating our Christmas Dinner we sat around to fellowship and sing. Pearl and Meadow are singing our New Zealand Christmas carold, Te Harinui to us again.
My sister, Kate
Rocklyn with baby Max who was very sick. Because of Harry, Rocklyn and Monique had no sleep the night before and Monique was sick too, so they were pretty tired on Christmas Day.